
@puzzledmemories NANDEMONAI :)


Hi dear! I saw your comment on my story. I'm not posting here in your MB for some cat fights or what. I just want to defend myself. First of all, I know I'm wrong for using that particular word. Anf you're not the only one to complain in that. Actually, you're the 2nd. I didn't know that most of the people here in watty world are very very very sensitive. Well, it's just a story. A fiction one. And no one is perfect dear :) And I'm not the one who told you to read my story in the first place. I know I'm being immature right now. Hut what do you expect? I'll just ignore your comment and sit pretty in a comfy couch? No no no :) I'm not that kindi of person. So if your misunderstooding what I'm doing. Sorry okay? I'm not a perfect person :) That's all sweetie ♡