Hey~ I'm Naomi
I live in Germany.
I love Yaoi~ my main otp's are in Anime:
Shizaya, karushuu or gakukaru, Midco, SasuNaru
I mostly write Midco

In cartoons: CraigxTweek

in creepypasta:
BenxJeff, E.J x L.J, TobyxMasky or MaskyxHoodie.

in Games:
(Fnaf) Fonnie, SpringyxGoldie.
(NitW) Gregg x Angus
  • Đã tham giaJune 27, 2016

Tin nhắn Cuối cùng
NaomiNamazo NaomiNamazo Aug 28, 2020 01:16PM
Hello everyone! I just posted 3 one-shots in my new one-shot book of Midnight x Cobra! I have another two one-shots in the making and almost done. So please be patient. And thank you, for those wh...
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Truyện của Naomi Namazo
Midco Oneshots bởi NaomiNamazo
Midco Oneshots
Just a few Oneshots of Midnight and Cobra. Some will be related to my original story and some aren't. There w...
+7 tag khác
Tag-Book bởi NaomiNamazo
I got tagged, that's all. xD