Honestly right now I'm shocked and heartbroken. I had a friend whom lost their battle with depression yesterday and committed suicide. I met him through school and he was always smiling. I have always had a problem with depression and suicidal thoughts and tendencies. But let me tell you that boy always would cheer me up. He made it a point to come to me and help me see that things can always get better. Even after we graduated and went in different directions, if he saw me at work Or out and about he always talked to me and let me know how he had so many wonderful things going for him and he made sure that I was still moving forward and keeping my head up. He was such a wonderful and caring person. I never knew he had struggled with the same thing. He always put on a strong front to keep the people around him going.
My message to you guys and if spread the word so be it if not then I hope that maybe this speaks to you or maybe help you in later life. If you know someone or maybe even yourself who stuggles with depression and or anything like this, don't hesitate to help. Just smiling and talking with someone could save that persons life. Everyone has a different battle and some are stronger than others. Reach out to people around you and help. Smile, talk, wave at people, and just acknowledge people. No matter how small your actions are it could have the biggest impact on someone's life. I was impacted by his sincerity to make me happy even though I didn't know him at first. He still reached out and helped me. He has left behind alot of us whom were touched by his caring and jubilant personality. Please reach out to others. All of you out there keep smiling and keep your head up. Things always get better no matter how bad things get!