
Happy St Andrews Day! #sharing Scottish pride :-)


Long time no talk =D


I'm in Dunfermline, so very near Cowdenbeath =D But I saw the car in question in Burntisland 
            Glad to hear haha, and yeah, the pettiness is going too far.Most of the arguments come back to 'we're already together, and we're doing alright, so why must we leave?' but you see, in an abusive relationship the abused is doing alright and does get by and the abuser is the one with all that power and the killing weapon in their hand, the abused totally in their control. We may be alright, we may be getting by - but that doesn't mean we can't do better. 
            There's a yes campaign shop in Dunfermline, and they give away most of the stuff free and suggest you make a small donation towards their campaign. It's great =D 
            I read that as well! God knows what JK's thinking tbh, I would have thought an educated woman like herself would have seen the benefits more than anyone else and perhaps be okay with taking a risk
            You me same, I sometimes wonder if I'm even Scottish as I cant understand a word in some of these supposed Scottish.. whatevers, but then I remember that literally no one apart from the neds talk like that and about everyone else had no idea what they're saying anyways as well.


            Where abouts in fife are you from? I saw the exact same thing in cowdenbeath the other day :-p I have to say it made me chuckle. 
             Yeah, I am still voting Yes. We deserve that much. Though the pettiness of the No campaign are really starting to do my head in.
            There was one newspaper that was like if we vote yes for independence, the NHS cuts would mean we'd have to stop looking for a cancer cure. 
            Next thing you know they will be goose stepping through Edinburgh.. urgh! 
            You have a wrist band? I have to get me one of those. 
            Did you see  that JK Rowling paid £1 million pounds to the No campaign?
            So much for democracy. They have to learn that Scotland is a country in it's own right. We are not a prize that can be bought. 
            American high school cliches are nowhere near as offensive as being deduced to a drunk ginger sporting a kilt and spicken like a glakit ~:-p 
            Some of the words are just terrible though, I can't even understand half of it. It's like they read or watched a "Scottish," play and are now regurgitating every annoying phrase and stereo type they see. 
            like seriously... Hud yer weesht! 


            I've seen more and more scottish stories pop up, and as you say - cliches! But the same could be said for stories based in american high schools with the whole cliques thingy and what not. Still not as bad as every scottis being ginger and drunk ahaha 
            And nothing's changed with my views =D Still voting yes and still trying to convince a lot of my family a yes vote is worth it! Got the wrist band and window sticker to prove it. There's been a lot more support on the yes vote as well! A lot more people openly letting people know they're voting yes... I saw a car in fife covered in huge yes stickers and two flags on either side with 'yes' written on them. Best thing ever xD
            You? Still voting yes? =D I'd hope so haha


@marissa_francine thank you so much for the support. It means the world to me that you liked my work. I'm currently writing another chapter for love me beta, which you'll be glad to know is almost done. I'm also changing the title because 
          I realised there was another book on watt pad called love me alpha. The similarity, although unintentional, seemed unfair to the other writer. I just have to wait until the end of the month for my new laptop to arrive. 
          In the mean time, please check out my other works? I need feed back on ashes to ashes. :-D


Hey! I dont think I got to tell you thanks for fanning or did I fan you????........ but yeah its cool I fanned you! you fanned my so were good still thanks for fanning it means means a lot :D I hope to talk to you soon if you want you can just message me even if im not on ill get it 