
Hi guys!! Another chapter of THE DIARY ENTRIES is up!! your feedback and votes will be highly appreciated :*


Hey guys, just posted a new chapter to the DIARY ENTRIES. I Know I am in and out of watt pad very much, what with school stuff and work, just don't have enough time to update that recently. but it gets better I promise. Please leave your votes and your comments.. xoxo


Hello Beautifull People <3
          I am currently under one heavy writers block, It's crazy because everything I try to do seems to be bouncing back and making me go crazy. 
          For now, I will have to sit back and relax and promise to bring a major comeback for you guys as soon as possible :) 
          I love you all so much <3


@Naraynaz you painted the same.


@BonLeofen  You are a treasure, I will keep writing everything I think useful, then in the end, ill thread them together and make sure they make sense. You painted a smile on my face. thank you so much


@Naraynaz venting works sometimes. Your writing has blocked not ur thoughts. The only difference u feel is that the thoughts u get are not compatible or not fixing the jigsaw of your plan. But who knows that can be a new colour in the theme of your story or it can be totatlly a new story. Who knows. Your words are your thoughts. Write them down and see if u can make any use of them. Even though u cant, atleast u let it all out on one piece of paper.


Thank yet again for your vote. Means very much to me.
          I wish you luck on your writing goals :)


You are welcome :) Take your time, there is no need to rush. ;)
            Thank you, it means very much to me that someone out in the big world enjoys my work. :)


@Leverance   thank you so much for your encouragement, I am a slow reader, bare with me, but you seem like a wonderful writer, and I cant wait to read more of your work


Awwww, you added my story to your library's. You're awesome! :)  Thank you thank you!!! I hope you enjoy it (even if it's not your preferred genre). :D 


@kario12 Not as much as I know you, you wont :)


Thank you! That is true, and I'm thrilled you think that of me. I hope I don't disappoint. :)


@kario12  You are highly welcomed, sometimes it's not about a genre, it's about how well a writer gathers her thoughts, and I know you are amazing so am willing to try :)