When faith is not equipped with the knowledge of God's perspective,
then there is no solid and wholesome foundation of knowledge to resource for true discernment; to know what is good and what is evil from God's perspective.
This weighing between good and evil has nothing to do with the moral center of the community or the moral code of the human soul.
What is good in God's eyes is not good in the natural man's eyes. And what is good in man's eyes stands in competition with God's kingdom and opposes His righteousness for the sake of the aspirations of the natural man.
In this is seen the manifestation of 2 different kingdoms.
To HAVE the mind of God is to have His foundation of truth laid in the heart, through living apostles today.
To KNOW the mind of God - is to be equipped with His knowledge and power tokens by which regeneration is active in the soul and the fruit of His perspective is formed within the mind, called renewing of the mind.
We have the mind of Christ.
Those who walk in the knowledge of His will, have the mind of Christ.
-Apostle Narissa