
Greetings and salutations my friends! 
          	As I've said, I'm currently working on my submissions for The Vellys over on Kindle Direct Publishing. This book here, The Dork and the Dweeb, is a fun pet project I've been working on. It's a little different than what I've written in the past, but I hope you all will enjoy it. 
          	The Dork and the Dweeb | Kindle Vella
          	Jennifer and Sam possess an undeniable chemistry as they boldly tackle every obstacle facing them and their group of adventurers; at least,...
          	Anyway! Go like, comment, and follow the story of Jennifer and Sam and stay tuned for future episodes releasing soon. 
          	Cheers and, as always, stay awesome!


Greetings and salutations my friends! 
          As I've said, I'm currently working on my submissions for The Vellys over on Kindle Direct Publishing. This book here, The Dork and the Dweeb, is a fun pet project I've been working on. It's a little different than what I've written in the past, but I hope you all will enjoy it. 
          The Dork and the Dweeb | Kindle Vella
          Jennifer and Sam possess an undeniable chemistry as they boldly tackle every obstacle facing them and their group of adventurers; at least,...
          Anyway! Go like, comment, and follow the story of Jennifer and Sam and stay tuned for future episodes releasing soon. 
          Cheers and, as always, stay awesome!


Greetings and salutations my friend! 
          The Vellys is in full swing and "The Doyen Ranger" has seven chapters available for reading. Head over to Kindle Vella on Amazon and search my name with "The Doyen Ranger" or click the following link: 
          Because it’s a competition, make sure to leave likes, comments, suggestions, and ideas about where you think the story is going. Your support means the world to me and I hope you enjoy my piddly scratchings. 
          Cheers and, as always, stay awesome!


Greetings and salutations my friends! 
          So, I have been a little absent here on my channel, but not without reason. I haven’t stopped writing. Instead, I’ve been working on three submissions for The Vellys. 
          If you don’t know already, The Vellys is a competition Kindle Vella has just started hosting. The closing date is Aug. 20 and it would mean the world if you checked out the two stories I have already posted on my bookshelf. 
          Because it’s a competition, make sure to leave likes, comments, suggestions, and ideas about where you think the story is going. Your support means the world to me and I hope you enjoy my piddly scratchings. 
          The Doyen Ranger 

          The Dork and the Dweeb 

          Cheers and, as always, stay awesome!


Hey there tall, small, and in the walls! 
          I am absolutely thrilled to announce that "My Borrowed Son" has officially won the poll. Across all of my platforms (Tumblr, Wattpad, DeviantArt, Twitter/X, and Ko-Fi), I did the math and My Borrowed Son ended up as the winner. 
          We are not done yet though! 
          The next step is to determine whether or not YOU - the amazing and wonderful readers and creators here - want hard back or soft back books. 
          Keep in mind! These books have raised in price. I did some math and have the price comparison down below. (see Tumblr for full list)
          Hard back - $26 USD               Paperback - $17 USD
          As you can see, there is a significant price difference. 
          I would LOVE to do the hardback, but want to make sure this is a financially smart decision. 
          SO! Below is a poll. Please let me know whether you want hard back or soft back and PLEASE RSVP which book type you would like if you would like to purchase a copy of "My Borrowed Son." 
          What type of cover do you want for your copy of "My Borrowed Son"?
          This is such an amazing community and I cannot thank all of you enough for commenting and enjoying my piddly scratchings. I cannot wait to see what you all want to do moving forward. There will certainly be more updates to follow. 
          Cheers and, as always, stay awesome!


Hi there Narrans,
          I’m enjoying your book “stellar allies” and was wondering when you were going to post the next part 
          It tickles me how you just posted two days ago and yet I’m still craving more lol 
          It’s an amazing book so far and I feel it will go far 


            I do try and incorporate "Borrower" in my tags, but unfortunately not for this story. There won't be any borrower x alien interaction, though I do have ideas for that   ✍️(◔◡◔)  (¬‿¬)  
            I mostly incorporate that tag because that's the community that would most likely enjoy g/t content and, if they're looking for me or my writing, my stuff is more likely to appear under that tag than my name if they don't know/remember who I am. 
            And, like I said, if you have any suggestions for this story, let me know. I'd love to hear it and possibly incorporate it if possible. Enjoy the next part and buckle your seatbelts for the next part! 
            Cheers and, as always, stay awesome!


Yay!! Also, in your tags, there was “borrower,” does that mean borrower x alien interaction?? :0


            Greetings and salutations my friend ^.^    I am absolutely thrilled you're enjoying "Stellar Allies." I've had a blast writing it so far and intended it to only have one or two parts, but it - like all of my other works - take on a life of their own and demand attention until they feel like they're done. 
            To answer your question, part three is out right here and now. I hope to release part four tomorrow and possibly have one part each day go out. I hope you enjoy it.
            Any suggestions or things you'd like to see from this story before it comes to an end? I'd love to hear your suggestions. I will try and incorporate it if I can and if I feel like it is within the characters' will, plot, and overall theme. 
            Cheers and, as always, stay awesome!


Next Print Book...
          If you were to have another one of my piddly scratching books on your shelf, which one would you want to buy?
          My Borrowed Son
          A Tall and Small Collection SII
          Everyone Needs A Little Hero 
          Moving Through Life 
          Wizard of the Wood
          The Orion's Factotum 
          One Shot Collection (Volume 1) 
          Comment down below! Voting ends in approximately one week. 
          Cheers and, as always, stay awesome!


Tall and small collection 2 or everyone needs a little hero


Heh there I am loving your “my borrower son” story and am just wondering if you will be posting the audio version to YouTube.


            Hello my friend! I actually will be posting an audiobook version of My Borrowed Son on my YouTube channel. I'm trying something new and trying to make some of the music tracks myself as well as commissioning pieces from a musician friend of mine. If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them! 
            Cheers and, as always, stay awesome!


Hero OC Ask!
          Greetings and salutations! 
          I shan't keep you long my friends. I just wanted to let you know that Hero's OC ask deadline is going to be in one week (April 23). If you have anything you want to ask our friendly neighborhood Hero, send me a message or comment down below. 
          Thank you all for your amazing support and for all of the love you've shown these characters. It astounds me every time ^.^ 
          Cheers and, as always, stay awesome!


Have you always had a interest in investing or was this a thing that happened as you got older also has Rey showed off his inventions to you and which is your favorite