
Heh so I've been getting followers lately and idek why?? I don't write any fanfics?!? So since u guys follow me then come tell me why and also I don't have any internet friends yet so that would be cool beans 


Heh so I've been getting followers lately and idek why?? I don't write any fanfics?!? So since u guys follow me then come tell me why and also I don't have any internet friends yet so that would be cool beans 


Omg guys if you are writing fanfiction or any kind of story, this is a reminder to TRY AND UPDATE SOON!! 
           there is always going to be someone out there that appreciates your writing, and this message is just a little nudge because I know that everyone needs some support sometimes when u want to give up. :) 
          (This isn't Just for fanfics, this is for anything that is going on in your life right now) 
          Have a good night guys!