
Hello everyone its been such a long time
          	I hope to all that have followed me has been good and well.
          	But im sad to say this account will no longer be here.
          	There are very good reasons i can not explain as to why i can't be the Nashi you see on this acount anymore.
          	so please understand my choice and respect it
          	I wanna thank who ever has followed me on my time here so again thank you and
          	This message is long over do so im saying all this now.
          	I do not know what i will do with this acount 
          	Maybe delate it or just use a nother character? or O.c? who knows? But i might just delete it 
          	It might be for the best anyways
          	But again thank you all on this long journey I've been on.❤➡


Plus do not follow this account anymore 
          	  If your still wish to follow me
          	  Follow my other acount


Hello everyone its been such a long time
          I hope to all that have followed me has been good and well.
          But im sad to say this account will no longer be here.
          There are very good reasons i can not explain as to why i can't be the Nashi you see on this acount anymore.
          so please understand my choice and respect it
          I wanna thank who ever has followed me on my time here so again thank you and
          This message is long over do so im saying all this now.
          I do not know what i will do with this acount 
          Maybe delate it or just use a nother character? or O.c? who knows? But i might just delete it 
          It might be for the best anyways
          But again thank you all on this long journey I've been on.❤➡


Plus do not follow this account anymore 
            If your still wish to follow me
            Follow my other acount


The picture is giving me: “I’m hungry. I’m pouty daddy give me attention” vibes lol ❤️


@FieryDragon26 BIG SUPER. CUDDLES 


Good Morning Everyone!!! :D


@HoshiOtome okie mommy Ttyl!!!! :D❤


@Nashi144 Thats wonderful Nashi! ❤️ Mommy is going to leave for a bit to watch church. Ttyl! 


@HoshiOtome yes mommy i did!! :D