Hello, beautiful Wattpad-ers!
I just wished to inform you that NO, I have not forgotten about you. In fact, I actually have all of you wonderful followers saved in a folder for when I have time to thank you each individually. Yes, I still do that. Every time I get a notification that someone has followed me, I add them to my folder, I don't just ignore y'all. I may not respond to every single comment right away, but I do notice those, too, and I read them all.
I am currently working on a new one-shot, and I'm quite excited for that as well. I never officially put any of my stories "on hold" because I'm always thinking about them, so Mer and Shadow are still in progress, I have not forgotten those either!
Thank you all for taking the time to read/follow/comment/vote, whatever it is that you do, I appreciate you taking the time to do so. ♥