Since I have been out of practice for awhile, I am going to have to do a quicky short story or two before I can continue my projects. Stand by, it should be a fun read.
Since I have been out of practice for awhile, I am going to have to do a quicky short story or two before I can continue my projects. Stand by, it should be a fun read.
I would tell you I've been through a desert on a horse with no name... But.. I didn't have a horse..
Let's just say I've been through hell and I'm back with more ideas for stories than this platform has storage space for.
I'm gonna get back to it soon. But I thought you all might want to know I am ok
Hi!Sorry for intruding in your page. If you are interested in historical fiction stories, could you please check out my work? I will highly be grateful if you could check it out, and share your thoughts about it. If you like my story, please do make sure to follow me ^_^. It would help me a lot
You can read the story here:
Ok.. so I am working on something that will allow me the emotional energy to return to writing. Another promotion! Wish me luck!
Meanwhile, I have began a logo/ branding on Team Tsunami, in honor of my longest running book, Beyond Pokemon.
YEP! I'd choose Team Tsunami! I'd just run it different. :-D
Well.. I come back to Wattpad to learn I can no longer message my little sister @Midnight_Lilac anymore.
Btw, She had a book published recently. Please check her out.
I want to apologize for the lack of replies. Rest assured I appreciate all of you that comment, follow, and read/ Vote.
I have been working hard to get through the holidays and fix my kitchen. Been without an oven for a few months and counting.
Wish me luck. I am so close to being done!