Hey! What's up people! I'm not new, i'm not old, i'm just a simple girl who live with a happy love life. (Oh rlly?)
I like being lonely and just relaxing while reading :3

- I love music.
- I like English Subject and Math Subject (surprising? No? Okay.)
- I'm a cat lover
- I love something with Technology
- I love playing games
- I love watching YouTube also
- I have some imaginary friends

Fandom I like:
- Countryhuman
- FNAF (kinda)

Happy Day~~~

*Note: I'm not gonna make more story, why? First, cause i'm bad. Second, i'm lazy. Feel free to go away, ignores & forget me
  • Indonesia
  • BergabungSeptember 7, 2018

Pesan Terakhir
Nasywaputri1987 Nasywaputri1987 Apr 09, 2019 12:59PM
hey, can somebody/pony help me find these ponies the barrier of the elements, esspecially the laughter one?IM SO MADLY BORED NOWLOL
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