
*sighhhhhhh* I have a 4 day weekend ill try to update it nowwwww... @LittleMissTimelady @Fandom_Sky


lmao so i doubt you've even been on wattpad in the last 6 years BUT i just wanted to say thank you. gamer daddies is the reason i fell in love with marianas trench when i was 11 (now i'm 18). and marianas trench have genuinely shaped my life; so by extension, you have :'). so thank you and i hope ur doing really well hon x


@MinecraftAngel thank you!!! I love writing but im kind of stuck on that one, that's why im going to finish writing my next story completely before I release it to the public, the updates should end up being a lot more frequent after June 28th, im off of school on that day, and I wont have anything to do, lol, so just be patient, im a very stupid person, I can typically get this far into a story before my brain just goes, oh, lets not give Natalie ideas, cuz we are the best brains ever!!!! gotta love that brain of mine, I don't even know how im going to do the next chapter of the story yet, im probably just going to resort to my best friend Emily for ideas, if shes got nothing then, well, me and the story are effed xD But once more, im glad that people are enjoying the story, it warms my heart, xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo I wuv woo