Dear followers I'm here to inform you all the Izuku x Reader will be under editing. There will be some parts changed of the story and some added in details. I'll be posting a Q&A at the end there you could ask questions about the story and the characters. The fanfic will still be discontinued which is why I'll be holding a Q&A when the fanfic is fully edited. I didn't like how I wrote the story and now that I have a different way of writing and how I tell my story I thought I'd edit this one. I'm going to be honest I'm cringing just reading these chapters but now that I'm editing them I have a better idea with how I wanted to go with the story. Please look forward to reading the new and edited fanfic. Another thing to note I'll be unpublishing some chapters and republishing them once they are edited to my liking. Until then please stick around and enjoy reading chapter 1.