
Hey guys, I'm back and coming out with an unedited version of my book The Others. It's still under construction but if you'd like a glimpse of a couple of chapters its there!


Uh Oh, here we go again..
          Hey guys, so my plan was to write literally all summer because obviously, I have the time and dedication. I could literally finish the whole trilogy of Incubus starting from June to September. BUT (there always is a but) since exams I have been feeling ... ah what's the word? HINDERED! Since the beginning of summer, I have had literally NO motivation to write whatsoever. I'm constantly tired, I'm sleepy, I get bored when I pull up my book, I start to wonder what's going on on Tumblr and I get distracted. So, from here on out, I will be working on my book ALL AUGUST!!!!!! It hasn't been published yet, but I'm thinking I'll physically publish it in stores and such (like that'll ever happen). Anyways, just keeping up to date with all my writing problems. Please let me know how to cure this lack of motivation.
          -Y xoxo


What do I have on my mind? So I'm watching The Little Prince and one part of me is like "this is such a touching story, these symbolic messages are beautiful and it's such a compelling and touching story. It's my new favourite kids movie and I'm going to make myself my own stuffed fox!" 
          But then there's this other part of me that's like, "what the actual hell? This is a children's book right? This is a children's movie? How in the world are kids that are 8 years old going to understand these symbols? If you don't even pay attention to the story and the fact that it's all imagination, it all just looks like some real bad acid trip."
          And then I come back and think, "what? Why is this whole story so true? Like the three dudes that the prince had to surpass were all conceded, selfish people of government/authority who make us follow rules and encourage us to detain our own imaginations from leaking into business. I've realized that at 16 years old I am exactly like the mother and I basically don't allow myself to let my own imagination to run wild and free. Lately I've been thinking about my childhood and stuff and now after this movie I realize I'm having a midteen crisis like what am I doing?"
          My thoughts throughout the entire movie made me cry in the end. Also James Franco's hippy talk as the fox made me crack up.


AH! Thanks for the 1K votes you guys! Incubus has gone so far since 2 years ago! You're all superstars! As for my other books, I haven't been able to work on them due to this play I'm doing, so after April 11, I'd be able to work on them ALL I WANT! Geez, I'm excited! Alright, I'm going to go cry now, see y'all later!


Alright, I'm super duper sorry that I haven't posted anything to Incubus. I've been really busy and just have to deal with some personal stuff right now along with school. I'm supposed to be doing my homework, but I'm taking the time to check my wattpad. Shame on me! Anyways, I promise, cross my heart, that I will post the last and final chapter of Incubus before or on November 11. Mark it on your calenders! Hopefully I will have enough time and creative thinking to finish it once and for all. Pray for me you guys, I love you all!


Essentially yes. Although, maybe watch out for a bonus chapter...


@Natalia_agocs so is your story incubus completed 