Hello everyone. This website seems extremely foreign; my long hiatus from writing and interacting with you all sadly made me forgot what Wattpad meant to me. The past few months of my life were hectic, I barely had time to indulge in the simple things I enjoyed to do. Writing was out of the picture. I slowly forgot about the books I was in the process of making. The plot was lost, inspiration was gone, my characters who I loved dearly became strangers. Today I had a hunch to go on this website; I don't regret it. I was reintroduced to the thing I enjoyed the most: writing. It saddens me to realize that I left writing for such a long time. I promise that I will try to get back in the groove of things, even if it will take another eternity. Thank you so much for making this website such an amazing place for me to come to after a long and stressful day. It makes me happy to see that you all are still interacting with my account after such a long break. I appreciate YOU so much and thank YOU for everything!
No problem. I, myself, just came back from a 18 week slump on wattpad about thre weeks ago. Lol. :XD