
I decided to finally publish Chapter 5 and I’ll be slowly continue writing. I am currently looking for a full time job while I work a part time job. 


I am close to graduating college, it's the reason I have been so occupied to not post any thing. I was also hoping to come on here and see the views and likes go up on my works that are out. 
          If I don't get any by December, I am still going to publish Chapter 3 of Secret Life. I might even make another story that has fantasy and it's AU where there is more than one celebrity in it.


I deleted my short imagine of Louis because I didn't know where I should go with it. I hope to do this one short image tonight involving a kissing contest thing. Where you get to choose which lips and who is behind those lips. It came to me one day which got me real heated to imagine it being true situation.


choose a pair of lips*