
Lmao hi
          	Sooo I'm not dead:)


this message may be offensive
Hey… how y’all doin?
          I’m back!(not as much but I’ll try)
          Sorry I haven’t been active lately… I’ve kinda been addicted to Ao3 at this point in time (cause it has sooo much more Steddie)
          And I’ve had a shitty cough for over 2 weeks and it’s that bad that every time I cough, it feels like a part of my chest is being ripped off. I also can’t breathe properly so that’s fucking great:,)
          But I won’t be updating much since school and sports start back up in like 3 days(;-;)
          Hope you all understand:)
               -Riley (it’s not Natalie anymore, I just can’t be bothered to change my user)


My friends and I have blackmail (all videos) of our teacher being homophobic, racist and sexist towards students. Oh and he’s also a pedo:) 
          He also called my lesbian friend the f slur 4 times and screamed at her:)
          We are showing it to our black female principal tomorrow:)


@NatalieRalph omg how did it go?


@NatalieRalph I don’t what to say to that but good thing your telling the principal.