
          	I usually challenge myself, if I hear or read a new word I define it and try to use it in a sentence sometime throughout the day. My vocabulary had gotten so much better since then. 


Hi! Lol, I'm not trying to be weird or anything but I just randomly found this book and read the description and she is a type one diabet!?!? I'm actually a type one diabetic for three years now and it made me happy to actually see a cool book where the character is one. Seriously not trying to be weird just thought it was cool. 


Tbh same, like not even side characters, get that. I can die happy now.


I wish you made the girl a werewolf because if she really is a human shouldnt have accepted "werewolf thingy" so easily. She didnt even struggle to fight back she only ran and thats it. She could be shy to meet new people or a little scared but she didnt. She even let him mark the second day they met. I hope you dont get offended i just want to say whats on my mind. Thank you.