I was tagged by something named @zzzainah. Who's she? Jk, hate you. The rules: - You have to put five facts about yourself - Can't be in the comments/replies - You have to complete this before a week or there will be punishment! :o - Don't forget to post the rules - Don't back out! - Tag fifteen people Facts: 1. I'm 11 and a girl. 2. I'm tall for my age... 5'4 - 5'6. 3. I adore cats and chocolate. 4. I either talk way too much or way too less. 5. My biggest goal in life is too be a gamer or have loads of cats or have a mountain of chocolate or something like that. 6? (BONUS!!! YAY) I'm a wierdo. Tag 15 peeps: @Galaxybluefire @aaminahfawadzaki @code_cherry (I PRAY) @Sanaya4444 TELL ME SOMEONE ELSE PLZ