Chapter Four of "One Night Stand with the Billionaire" is out!!

@Natalieho10x hey sweetheart it's ok I can understand my schls to are again reopened and u know it's the time for exams n there are too much pressure ...so it's very obvious that we all don't get time anyway I would be waiting to see an update ...n it's really good to know that u r frm London Take care. ....n be happy

@Phoneix14 thank you for the message! I haven't updated for a while because it's been more difficult for me to find time to write the story now that I'm back at school. I do still write in my free time but I don't want to publish something that isn't up to standard, so it will be a while before I pick up the story again :(

@Natalieho10x hey girl Damn if i say i don't like ur story ur story is just too good why aren't you updating it ???? Pls update and reply me back if u r here