
@Nightmareader. how could such a great book take up my time!? I've been finished everything I have to do for today so I was glad to read your book. I'm usually either on YouTube or on here on wattpad or outside  most of the time when I'm not at school or doing homework. don't worry I was very glad to read it I'm always open to new writers and stories.


@Nightmareader well I finished reading the first part and I think you're doing great. it really represents real life at school... well my school at least. It's so true that kids are like this in class in I love it!! unlike disney where every high school movie is gossip ,popular kids, stereotypes, and blackmailing. But your book is great so far keep it going!!


@Nightmareader thx that's so nice to hear. to be honest I've never started and finished a book but I'm determined to finish this one and hearing that gives me faith that I can actually do it this time. I'm currently working on the first chapter and I hope I'm doing okay. And I'm sure Kia would love to hear that. I've based this book of my friends and I so I'm sure she'll be glad to hear that!