
GUYS! Everyone please go to my second account, NobleBird, and read my newest fanfic Harry Potter's Sister! I may upload it on this account too.


Hi guys... I know I kind of went off the radar a while back, but I was going through some really tough stuff. I'm back though! I'm starting school for the first time ever in one week so I might not be on a whole lot, but I promise I will try. BUT GOOD NEWS! "My Story, My Life" is back up and running! PLEASE check it out! It will be undergoing a lot of editing before any real new chapters are posted, but we'll get there eventually, right?


If you have ever, Taken a blade to that beautiful body of yours, Skipped a meal at least once on purpose, Cried youself to sleep because you weren't "good enough", Tried any form of self-harm, Thought of/attempted to take your own life, repost this, lets see how many of us there are.


hi, you have been requested for an interview for our warrior cats fan magazine :) if you accept this interview please PM this account your email. i can asure you that your email will ONLY be used to send you the questions and no other emails will be sent to you after the questions are sent. please reply soon 