Dear followers, it's a request this time. No pressure at all though. It's that I've written my first ever historical themed melo; a short story in my collection "That You Left Unseen"
hii this may seem random but could you maybe check out my new story “Sweet Revenge” if you have the time? i would love to hear your thoughts on it! thank you!
You are an insanely amazing, mesmerizing, fabulous, genius, lovely, outstanding, fantastic, criminally underrated, powerful, astounding, phenomenal poetess. Don't ever stop writing. Or else I will be coming for you
@Alyza_K I'd be more than pleased to give your novel a read and vote ofc. But as far as following is concerned, it depends~~
Work hard in the right way and Inshallah you'll get what u deserve
Dear followers, it's a request this time. No pressure at all though. It's that I've written my first ever historical themed melo; a short story in my collection "That You Left Unseen"
Am really glad to be a new member of the TRBookClub! Hope I'll be able to complete my duties as a member properly. Yeah. Well that was cringey. But I don't know how to do thia any better, so just go with it!