
It comes with great sorrow that I have to announce this. Tonight around 4pm my time my sweet dog Kailee was ranover. I am thankful for the person who called animal control so they could pick up her body and notify us that she had passed on. Kailee, I love you to death and can't wait to see your furry face once more. What I wouldn't give to kiss you all over your face and snuggle you one last time. To hear you bark at squirrels or howl as the sirens pass by. You, my sweet angel, will forever be in my heart. 


@NatteeB I know...and she is honored, just by us remembering her. It’s going to be fine, and I love you 


@respect103 I know I just wanted to honor her in some way ;-;


*hugs tightly* nat it’s going to be okay..


It comes with great sorrow that I have to announce this. Tonight around 4pm my time my sweet dog Kailee was ranover. I am thankful for the person who called animal control so they could pick up her body and notify us that she had passed on. Kailee, I love you to death and can't wait to see your furry face once more. What I wouldn't give to kiss you all over your face and snuggle you one last time. To hear you bark at squirrels or howl as the sirens pass by. You, my sweet angel, will forever be in my heart. 


@NatteeB I know...and she is honored, just by us remembering her. It’s going to be fine, and I love you 


@respect103 I know I just wanted to honor her in some way ;-;


*hugs tightly* nat it’s going to be okay..