
How do you convince someone they're beautiful if they don't want to be convinced?


@NatureSpiritWolf you find out what's making them feel that way and make them question it. Why do they feel like they're not beautiful? Who has been them telling them such things? And if it is that they are telling themselves they are not beautiful, you show them what makes them beautiful in your eyes. Their eyes may be the perfect shade of blue or they may be the most dazzling green, like emerald gems that only they have. They may be a majestic shade of brown which could only by matched by the most majestic oak tree in a deep hidden forest. Their hair may be as smooth as silk or as curly as a poodles fur yet it suits them so well that it shouldn't matter because it makes them beautiful.
          	  Maybe it's their weight. Do they have stretch marks? Do they feel bloated? All of this is a part of living. When you are born your eyes are blue, you most likely have no hair at all and your body is pure and smooth. These stretch marks, cellulite or whatever they have, it shows that they have lived in life. Their hair has grown and become what it is today and it makes them beautiful. Their body may have been through tough times but marks and scars, whether physical or mental, show that they have lived and they are still here to show others. Every day that they live could be an inspiration to someone who secretly adores them and they probably won't even know it.
          	  So everyday, tell them that they are beautiful because that is what you see in them and show them that you will be here for them if anything ever happens. 
          	  I'm open to P.Ms x


I've seen what conversations you have posted on your profile @NatureSpiritWolf and I have a message of my own. On the 22nd of May 2017 ,me and my family were celebrating our grandad's birthday. That day was normal, nothing out of place . The next morning, I  came in to the bathroom to find my mum crying. I asked what happened mum, the next words she said cut the cords that helped my heart fly in the sky. "There was another attack in Manchester"
          I had learned throughout the morning that is was at a place were people were meant to enjoy themselves, a concert. the most shocking thing is that children had been targeted, the youngest girl who died was 8.
          Now this is the doing of a man who let off a bomb IN THE BUILDING OF THE CONCERT.
          This bombing was the 2nd in England and another was coming. The night before the concert dedicated to the Manchester victims,  there was a stabbing in London, where the 1st had occurred.  I used to live in London. 
          I am proud to be English, it's my nationality, except at this moment of grief and sorrow, there is also fear for the prospect of another attach hovering above our heads. 
          The night of learning of the Manchester Attack,  I have never been that terrified with fear that was caused because of the fact, couldn't it of been me? I still have moments where I realise that that could happen to me, the horrible death that tore apart families and I'm still scared, I'm sure everyone is. My family in London, my friends in London and many others. 
          Currently I live in a small town in Kent, where one of my friend's mum isn't allowing them to go to London for a trip. This shows no matter where you are, fear will always strike. 
          Thank you for reading and my shattering heart is with victims of all attacks, shootings and wrong doings of others.


How do you convince someone they're beautiful if they don't want to be convinced?


@NatureSpiritWolf you find out what's making them feel that way and make them question it. Why do they feel like they're not beautiful? Who has been them telling them such things? And if it is that they are telling themselves they are not beautiful, you show them what makes them beautiful in your eyes. Their eyes may be the perfect shade of blue or they may be the most dazzling green, like emerald gems that only they have. They may be a majestic shade of brown which could only by matched by the most majestic oak tree in a deep hidden forest. Their hair may be as smooth as silk or as curly as a poodles fur yet it suits them so well that it shouldn't matter because it makes them beautiful.
            Maybe it's their weight. Do they have stretch marks? Do they feel bloated? All of this is a part of living. When you are born your eyes are blue, you most likely have no hair at all and your body is pure and smooth. These stretch marks, cellulite or whatever they have, it shows that they have lived in life. Their hair has grown and become what it is today and it makes them beautiful. Their body may have been through tough times but marks and scars, whether physical or mental, show that they have lived and they are still here to show others. Every day that they live could be an inspiration to someone who secretly adores them and they probably won't even know it.
            So everyday, tell them that they are beautiful because that is what you see in them and show them that you will be here for them if anything ever happens. 
            I'm open to P.Ms x


this message may be offensive
50 dead, 53 injured. There was a gay club shooting in Orlando Florida, by ONE PERSON, and 50 people died. THIS IS THE TWENTY FIRST FUCKING CENTURY. We should be focusing on getting rights to people who need them, and fixing bad laws, and polishing our country, but instead we're becoming used to people dying on national news and reports of school shootings and now when I see another shooting on TV it's just "Oh, a hundred more people dead." What are we doing, America? Why is this happening? What are we doing wrong, and WHY IS NOBODY FIXING IT??? I know we're trying, I know it's working, albeit slowly, but my faith in this country is deteriorating. Why do you feel the need to kill people just because they're different from you? It's like killing someone because they have a different favorite color than you do. "My favorite color is blue." "Oh, I like red, and because I like red, obviously I'm better than you, and you're sick and disgusting and deserve to die." What the fuck. I'm fourteen years old. If I can see what's right and what's wrong, morally; why the fuck can't other people?
          I'm so close to just giving up. Please don't let everything this country stands for disappear because of a childish differing of opinions. Some people like their same sex. Holy shit, relax. It's nothing new. This isn't a video game. You don't get bonus points for a high fatality count. You get blood on your hands and a life taken in cold blood on your shoulders, and families get notified that someone they love is never coming back. Is that what you want? Stop thinking about races and sexualities and religions, and think of people. Do you really want to be someone who's only known for the people they've killed?


Hey guys, I know I haven't been active at all, and my last post was kind of rude and very attention seeking, and I'm sorry for that. But something just happened that I wanted to bring to your attention. ISIS attacked Paris. There are 128 people reportedly dead and over 180 either injured or M.I.A. These are people who have families, moms and dads and siblings and maybe even children. And now they're gone. One hundred and twenty-eight humans, gone. Think about it for a second. To all my followers in France and especially Paris, you are amazing people. This world is a dangerous place, and you've had to see that firsthand. My name is Autumn Stonewater, I'm 13 years old, and I live in Massachusetts, in North America. And even though I'm only one person, and in the long run I don't really matter, I am one of the thousands that care about you. And I hope that makes a difference for you.