Guess who's back in 2019!
New year, New me.
I have a special announcement to make,
I'm writing a new story!
I couldn't remember where I left off with the Wakiya X Reader, (eVeN tHoUgH I TrIeD fOr TwO wEeKs!)
So that wasn't going anywhere, and I know that this is out of the blue, but in inspiration from watching Bijuu Mike's Doki Doki series again...
I'm writing a Natsuki X Reader!
It's called Curtain Call | Natsuki X Reader.
It's releasing somewhere between the 4th and the 10th. I'll make sure to keep you guys in the loop as I am developing it, and ask for ideas, feedback, and suggestions for this or other stories.
Anyway, I've been rambling long enough.
(YeAh YoU hAvE.)
Ugh, the voice in my head showing up is a sign to stop.
Anyway, Remember to Stay Happy, Stay Determined, and Stay Inspired.