
Hey there, movie enthusiasts!
          	Promising Pages Club has got a little something special in store for you this weekend. On behalf of the community, the admins and I wanted to invite you to a casual movie date. It's a laid-back opportunity to relax and enjoy a film together.
          	We've arranged two different streaming times to make things convenient for everyone. This way, you can choose the one that suits your timezone and availability. We've done our best to accommodate as many people as possible, but please let us know if there's a better time for you. We'll take your feedback into account for future events.
          	So, mark your calendars and save the date! We hope you'll join us and have some fun. Pop popcorn, grab your cosiest blanket, and prepare for a low-key movie night. Join the discord channel using the link given below to get in on the fun.
          	The timings for this weekend are -
          	15th June 11 PM IST
          	16th June 11 AM IST
          	We can't wait to share this cinematic experience with you!
          	Lights, camera, movie time!
          	Discord link -




@crazyyfictions I'm great. Girlie, do you have ig?


Sistah @NavlsHeree what on earth happened while I was on hiatus?  Lucia is goneeeeeeeeee


@NavIsHeree If I’m delirious, she’s delusional. Being stuck in a classroom with her for over 2 years is more than enough evidence 


@Lillyblack135 Oh and I dont mind. If anything, it was sooo cute of @TrusfratedJeonBooty <33


@Lillyblack135 I had to unpublish since I was busy with school and stuff :((


Hey there, movie enthusiasts!
          Promising Pages Club has got a little something special in store for you this weekend. On behalf of the community, the admins and I wanted to invite you to a casual movie date. It's a laid-back opportunity to relax and enjoy a film together.
          We've arranged two different streaming times to make things convenient for everyone. This way, you can choose the one that suits your timezone and availability. We've done our best to accommodate as many people as possible, but please let us know if there's a better time for you. We'll take your feedback into account for future events.
          So, mark your calendars and save the date! We hope you'll join us and have some fun. Pop popcorn, grab your cosiest blanket, and prepare for a low-key movie night. Join the discord channel using the link given below to get in on the fun.
          The timings for this weekend are -
          15th June 11 PM IST
          16th June 11 AM IST
          We can't wait to share this cinematic experience with you!
          Lights, camera, movie time!
          Discord link -


          If you are a writer looking to gain recognition for your work or a reader seeking out fresh and exciting stories, consider the Solivagant program. This reader-writer based recognition program is designed to discover and promote undiscovered stories and talented writers from all over Wattpad.
          Solivagant focuses on giving voice to underrepresented and marginalized writers, creating a platform for them to share their stories and receive recognition for their work. The program is open to writers of all genres, from fiction to poetry and everything in between, and provides a supportive community for both writers and readers.


          Congratulations to all the winners! 
          Your talent, dedication, and creativity have shone through, captivating hearts and minds with your words. It's a remarkable achievement that deserves the highest praise.
          ➷  BEST TITLE:
          1. Art Of A Bleeding Heart by @Strawberry1d
          2. After Raphael Dies by @Lilyrotasu9002
          3. The Winter Thief by @BellOfSilence
          ➷ BEST AESTHETICS:
          1. We are the LOST GIRLS by @kth_disneyfanatic
          2. Last Legend by @Anunimouse96
          3. Maelstria - Lumeyra (English Version) by @amanibal
          ➷ BEST BLURB:
          1. His Little Spitfire by @NatashaIli
          2. The Untold Identities by @binaforreal
          3. Crowning The Villain by @red-velvet2
          ➷  BEST COVER:
          1. Hellbound by @Ashes_Knight
          2. Black Avatare by @SuVida777
          3. Ukiyo {浮世} by @hotandcoldsoup
          ➷  BEST PROLOGUE:
          1. The Hour Of Twelve by @_Nissi_ZaMahd_
          2. Throne of Dragonix-I by @Baqkns
          3. Spring in Hades by @NatashaIli