Meet an extraordinary writer specializing in fantasy, manga, comic, and adventure genres. With an imaginative flair and a talent for crafting captivating stories, this writer takes readers on exhilarating journeys through vibrant worlds. From magical realms to epic battles, their work is a visual feast, blending thrilling action, rich character development, and thought-provoking themes. With each word and panel, this writer's storytelling prowess ignites the imagination and leaves readers eagerly awaiting the next adventure. Get ready to be transported to enchanting realms and embark on unforgettable quests with this master of fantasy, manga, comic, and adventure writing.
  • JoinedJuly 13, 2023


Story by Naveen Barik
Wish Star's Magical Tale by NaveenBarik
Wish Star's Magical Tale
Every few centuries, a magical star would appear in the night sky, granting one sincere and pure-hearted wish...
ranking #100 in selflessness See all rankings