
35 followers this means a lot to me I thank you for reading my stories a little bit to know about me I have autism and slow difficulties and I have trouble reading writing properly so yeah I have an settings on my phone which helps me read and write I'm just happy people are like my writing have a lovely day or night and thank you this means so much


35 followers this means a lot to me I thank you for reading my stories a little bit to know about me I have autism and slow difficulties and I have trouble reading writing properly so yeah I have an settings on my phone which helps me read and write I'm just happy people are like my writing have a lovely day or night and thank you this means so much


Hey guys just let you know my gene x reader is  on hold I'm sorry to say but I will get to it what I'm ready I'm going to start school next Tuesday so updates will be slow I've been really busy for a couple of last week's sorry please tell me if you still want to be there stories


Hey guys let you know I think about doing two books second book will be about ZANEMAU in mcd and yes I write books about mcd a lot so yeah does all of them around so if you guys want to do more this let me know? p.s. I do not want people to say 
          Why you doing this book 
          updated NOW
          Why are you annoying us
          You don't live like this book anymore why you still writing
           I do not want anyone to do this to me do you understand I'm not trying to sound mad I'm not mad at anyone but please understand I'm going to do to books updates will be slow I am trying my best and just remember I have slow learning difficulties and I have autism so please please please understanding now I appreciate all you guys have a lovely day?