Hi everyone!
Sorry once again for my absence but I had a rather rough start into this year and I had no other choice than to retreat from Wattpad. My apologies.
If you ever need to talk to me, you can find me on Discord under child0fdeath#8408 :))
Discord is currently my main platform for interactions.
@Navyblaze Hi Navy san... its been a while now..... i hope your doing well dear and i'm now 13 years old your probably 24 now right?.... if you are then happy late birthday again Navy kun i'm sorry for forgeting about your birthday again.... things are happening at my school well..... my classmates were the problem but now i can be free of them because i'm going to be grade 8 soon i'm so happy for a new life when i'm going to be grade 8 tbh i may have over packed my bag with colored pencils and markers my brother had to checked my bag so that i don't bring so many items for my first day of school but hey now i don't need to worry about first day at school because i'm sure there won't be any assignments or projects on the first day of school...... right? Anyways hopefuly you see this text from hope you have fun making stories in the future and if something is bothering you then please tell me and i will try and cheer you up i will even make a discord group for just the two of us that way we chat anytime just for you Navy kun anyways its 11 pm at my timezone i can't sleep right now but i hope you text me soon i will be waiting for you Navy san
SAYONARA NAVY SAN~♥️❤♥️❤♥️♥️❤❤❤♥️❤❤❤❤
My account is pretty much dead by now. For nearly 2 years. Maybe longer.
Yet I am still impressed that people still enjoy my TFP story?
I noticed that I work on too many books at the same time, sorry for that.
Let's see if I can bring this account back to life.
Hallo. Warum hast du die schöne Geschichte "Transformers Prime: Eine besondere Verbundenheit" gelöscht, denn diese hatte mir sehr gut gefallen und war traurig, dass die Geschichte nicht mehr da war. Warum auch immer du sie gelöscht hast, finde ich richtig doof, denn diese Geschichte war richtig klasse.
Sad that most of my followers are just following because I wrote a TFP fanfic
In fact if you can't deal with me writing also FNAF and BATIM stuff, then get the hell outta here
I'm a German writer who just tries to improve my writing, accept that
@Navyblaze I don't care if you write FNAF or BATIM whatever that is because it's fine
if people can't deal with it go fragging kermit suicide
just get the frag out
Oof, I'm working 3.. No 4 stories at the same time.
The 4th story will be come out soon, it's a daddykink story based on my main OCs
I really felt like doing so *wink wonk*
And it will contain sum smut as well cuz I BreAtHE iT
The characters and the first Chapter is finished so far.
I'll try to update my TFP story and my OC story every now and then uwu
Have a nice day, my fellows ❤️