
Chapter upload dates :) 
          	Chp 28- June 15
          	Chp-29- June 29th


@kushidaxkiyoFanboy funny enough, when I intially plan the series long ago, it was between Chi-Ha-Tan and BC Freedom for alt schools for Miho, Chi-Ha-Tan won out in the end XD 
          	  In regards to that sort of story, I most likely won't be able to, since Tigers of CHT is my main focus and that might take another couple of years to finish.


@Nazzum11  do u mind doing a Miho joins BC and have hers love interest be Ruka Oshida


@Nazzum11 I understand  that just a hopeful hopeful possibility  after the complete of this series , if not I just drop it not trying to be a bigger since the anime or Fandom is not really popular  to others on other fiction platforms  or America in general  cause most  fics I read where abandon or canceled hopeful  this won't be the lateral  like the potential  of it


Chapter upload dates :) 
          Chp 28- June 15
          Chp-29- June 29th


@kushidaxkiyoFanboy funny enough, when I intially plan the series long ago, it was between Chi-Ha-Tan and BC Freedom for alt schools for Miho, Chi-Ha-Tan won out in the end XD 
            In regards to that sort of story, I most likely won't be able to, since Tigers of CHT is my main focus and that might take another couple of years to finish.


@Nazzum11  do u mind doing a Miho joins BC and have hers love interest be Ruka Oshida


Hello, everyone, sorry for the long, long, long delay with this chapter; life is just been a thing, and I haven't had as much time to write as I'd like. However summer should be a little more open, so hope to have some chapters out for you.
          Also I want to thank you all for the kind messages on the last chapter, I was really worried about the long hiatus and coming back after so long, but to know alot of you were waiting patiently just really was a joy and alot motivation for me to keep grinding away with this story to get out to all of you, so again from the bottom of my heart, thank for being with me on this journey.
          That's it from me, so enjoy the chapter and your weekend, hope to see you soon with a new chapter as Pravda and Chi-Ha-Tan lock in for a battle for the ages.
          Till then, be well and be safe, and I'll see you in the next chapter.


@dragonoid91 appreciate the kind words and thanks for the support, will do my best with the quality since this story has been built up for so long, cant skimp anything now down the home stretch XD 


@Nazzum11 yah they're back 
            its ok delays are expected so don't worry and take your time
            remember its quality rather than quantity that matters


Hello everyone, Happy New Year!
          And my deepest apologies! Almost a year-long hiatus was not in my plans at all, but some real-life things just made it hard to really get back to writing and really pain me to leave you all hanging for so long. I never want to do that again ever, so my hope going forward for the rest of this volume is to upload every 2 to 3 weeks till this thing is done since were literally at the tail end of it, then taking some significant time off to begin work on Volume 5.
          My overall goal for this series is to have it done by 2025, bold I know, but with this upload, I've just regained my drive for this story to finally write out all my ideas and see where this goes, especially for you dear readers who have been on this journey with me since 2021 when I uploaded this story that I never thought would reach this far and become this complex.
          It was really supposed to be a lot simpler, but like they say, no plan survives contact.
          That being said, thank you so very much for your patience and understanding with the delay, I will have my profile updated with chapters upload dates that I hope I can reach for, with that being said, enjoy the rest of your day and I'll see you soon.


Hello dear readers...
          Sorry to say that unfourtently I have gotten sick, out of nowhere too, luckily it isn't Covid, but has put me out for some time and has hampered my writing...ugh, so means that the next chapters are going to take a while as I try to get well again enough to even attempt to write, very sorry for the delay that will be for some time. 
          Please stay safe and well out there in your daily lives, I hope to be back at the end of the month. Thank you for your patience with me again.


@Nazzum11 hope you recover soon!


@ Nazzum11 I hope you get well soon! Please rest a lot and take care of yourself 


Hello dear readers. Been a minute since we last uploaded. Well, I am trying to figure out how to write this last build-up to the battle. With how things work out, the chapter was getting too long I felt, so I had to split again so as not to be cramming it all in one go, so next chapter is a good part already written out, so I can get out to you by the end of the month.
          Thank you again for your continued support; for now, what is a series that has been going on for 2 years...damn I never thought it even make it past 1.
          Also, I'm uploading a Thank you chapter next since we've hit an insane milestone, but I need to make sure to properly write this out for you readers who I can't say this make this story happen by all your support for it, by reading, reviewing, favorites, and follows. I be nowhere without all of you supporting this series, so again from the bottom of my heart, thank you, and I will see you again.
          Till then, be well and be safe.