Hi NdiGoGrl, I hope you are doing well. Please be okay. I finished reading the last available chapter of Stella's Cafe this early morning, and I was hooked by your character Min Hee, and also how well you imagined Jang Keun Suk, and how your story was developing. I am also a voracious reader, I am on my second reread Wheel of Time read, (3rd if you count the audiobooks, if you know the books, yes I am a masochist) Frankly, you are one of the few good writers that I came across this Wattpad app, and respect how well you compose your stories, your fluency in written English (it is supposed to be my secondblanguage but I always feel it as my first) and how short and sweet your chapters are. I really hope I did not come in too late with this JKS fandom, I am a late Korean-bloomer so to speak, as I was mostly obsessed with Japanese and Western media. I hope I can catch more of your writing and this story, Min Her and JKS are breaking my heart, I absolutely love the Nottinghill vibe of this book.