
Hey Owlets! 
          	I haven't posted on here in a while. I'm sorry to everyone waiting for an update, I've been stuck when it comes to writing.
          	I hate getting writers block, I can normally combat it by working on a different story but for a while now it has been getting applied to every story I am working on at the moment.
          	I however, just spent that last 3 hours fixing the timeline on an Original story of mine.  I hope I got it right this time.
          	I want to try and continue "Zero to Hero" but as I said I've been in a block.
          	I also have plans to write a Danny Phantom fanfiction since I've been jumping back to that fandom lately
          	Thankyou all for your patience, I'll do my best to get back into the swing of things but I have also been caught up with work which I think saps me of my motivation, especially when I have to work all week with only 2 days off that sometimes might not stay days off.
          	I love my job but hate it at the same time.
          	Anyway, stay healthy and safe and again thanks for your patience.


Hey Owlets! 
          I haven't posted on here in a while. I'm sorry to everyone waiting for an update, I've been stuck when it comes to writing.
          I hate getting writers block, I can normally combat it by working on a different story but for a while now it has been getting applied to every story I am working on at the moment.
          I however, just spent that last 3 hours fixing the timeline on an Original story of mine.  I hope I got it right this time.
          I want to try and continue "Zero to Hero" but as I said I've been in a block.
          I also have plans to write a Danny Phantom fanfiction since I've been jumping back to that fandom lately
          Thankyou all for your patience, I'll do my best to get back into the swing of things but I have also been caught up with work which I think saps me of my motivation, especially when I have to work all week with only 2 days off that sometimes might not stay days off.
          I love my job but hate it at the same time.
          Anyway, stay healthy and safe and again thanks for your patience.


Hello Owlets,
          I have been trying to continue writing so I can publish more chapters for you all to enjoy, especially for 'Zero to Hero' but everytime I try nothing comes up.
          I hate writer block and lack of motivation.
          Don't worry, I will update it eventually when I finally get out of this stump that I'm in, I just wanted to let you all know not to worry about the story being incomplete and I hope you look forward to it.
          Thankyou for being patient.


Hey All,
          I'm thinking of writing a new BNHA story inspired by an AO3 story that I read but I'm worried about what I write being too similar to what they have written.
          If anyone wants to know the story it's called Viridian by SilvermistAnimeLover. It's got 22 chapter and is still ongoing but it is am amazing story and I strongly recommend it.
          If there are any stories that I've written that you want me to continue writing don't hesitate to comment and I'll try to get around to it and post more chapter to finish the story.
          Stay safe Owlets.


Hey Owlets!
          I want to write some stories with characters that have medical problems but I'm worried I cannot portray the problems they face accurately since I don't have any of the conditions I want to write about.
          I want to write about a character that has Tourette's syndrome and I have made a character and somewhat got an idea for a story for a character with DID (Dissociative identity disorder). I have done my research on them but that doesn't mean I fully understand them nor do I know how to accurately represent them. 
          When I write them I will publish them here I hope you give the stories a go and if you have any suggestions on improvements feel free to comment.
          I always want to know how I can improve my writing to write better stories for you to enjoy!


Hey Owlets!
          I'm fully vaccinated now! 
          Just got my second shot of Pfizer. To everyone who is still anxious and cautious bout getting the vaccines please try not to worry. 
          I was really worried about getting it but now I've got it I'm better now knowing me and my family will be that much more safe than without it.
          Stay safe, happy and healthy everyone and I hope you enjoy the works I put out. The lockdown in my town has made me less motivated but I'll get there, remember I'll never drop anything so if there is a atroy I haven't updated in a while and you want to see continued don't hesitate to send a message my way!


Hey Owlets!
          I was just scrolling though the homepage and saw on the "try something new" tab
          (Not) Completely Sane. I don't know if that means anything for others but in my head it means it's getting advertised to others more!! So that makes me happy!
          If there are any stories that I have stopped that interest you don't hesitate to message me or comment on them asking me to continue. I never drop any of my stories I just get distracted and I am currently working on something to get published and being stuck inside all the time has drained my motivation to do anything.
          I hope you're all staying safe and healthy.


Hey Owlets,
          I was going to publish a chapter of Zero to Hero but after writing the whole chapter I looked at my chapter descriptions that I had opened in a tab on my computer and realised I skipped an entire chapter.
          I'm now trying to decide if the chapter before it is relevant enough to write or if I can jsut skip it. Not much happens in it so I'm kinda leaning towards not writing it and continuing from the one I just wrote but hopefully I'll come to a decision soon. If I decide not to write it you'll have a chapter very soon, if I decide to write it you'll have to wait a bit more for a new chapter. Sorry.
          I hope you are all staying safe and healthy.