"Kurt Rowley. Dark brown hair. Brown eyes. Mute. Never talked. Doesn't smile. Doesn't associate with anyone. Reason for being in F.A.I.T.H. is pretty much a question mark. His family owns the biggest real estate agency in the world. "Connor Owens. Shaved head. Brown eyes. Big guy. Gets angry fast. Super fast. And beats the first thing in front of him, even if it doesn't have to do with why he's angry. Eventually that built up and got him into F.A.I.T.H. His parents are both universal athletes. He's now too." "Violet Massey. Dark hair with a bit of purple in it. Brown eyes with makeup on them that sort of looks like yours. Rude. Doesn't study. Socially impaired. Doesn't like anyone messing with her and will not laugh at any of your jokes. No matter how hard you try, and believe me, I tried. She doesn't make friends with anyone. She'd rather be by herself. The reason she's in F.A.I.T.H. is obvious. She had zero participation in all her classes. She'd get bullied a lot. She was basically flunking in everything. Her attitude towards her professors was pretty bad. So the headmistress moved her to F.A.I.T.H. Her father owns the biggest names of perfume. Her mother owns a famous line of wedding dresses and world most high-priced jewelry."

"Devon Rivers. Tall, dark with lady swooning hazel eyes." Anthony nodded. "I guess you'd know him. He's a famous musician. Started out young and became a world wide hit when he turned seventeen with his new album. He was put in F.A.I.T.H. so he can stay away from all the girls jumping at him. Out of everyone in there, he's probably the least one you'll have to worry about. He's usually very busy even when he's sitting. His face is in his phone twenty four seven, so he might not even look up at you. His parents are commoners. Their source of income comes from Devon's career. His mom used to be his manager. His dad works in a shoe store somewhere in New York. They're divorced."

"Alvin Vermont. Blonde, blue eyes, in love with the beautiful Katerina. He eats like a whale. He's never full. Imagine a suction tube leading to outer space, that's his stomach. It doesn't show on him, the amount of food he eats, but that didn't stop the Academy from getting sick of his munching in the middle of the class and so they enrolled him into F.A.I.T.H. His parents are both top notch celebrity lawyers. Everyone keeps out of his hairs because of that. Even with his sick humor on the loose, they still don't dare mess with him. "Taylor Cho. Dark hair, brown eyes. Glasses. Younger than everyone else. Age, twelve. He's a child prodigy. A genius. There isn't a single thing he can't hack into. Not a single person he can't crack open and find every single detail about with a few clicks on his keyboard. They find him very useful in F.A.I.T.H. You know, for their evil schemes, but everyone hates him everywhere else. His favorite object is his laptop. He can't live without it. His parents are normal common citizens. Their source of income comes from Taylor, who became a billionaire from stealing money and working for the higher ups. His dad won the state championship for boxing, and he hated that his son is what he was at his age. So out of Taylor's money, he paid the Academy to enroll him into F.A.I.T.H. His intention was to have 'the bad guys rub off on his sissy of a son and make a man out of him'."

"Jessie Leone. Father from his mother's first marriage passed away when he was really young, but he's closest with his step-father from her second marriage. And his mom is the Academy's headmistress. But don't tell that to anyone since no one knows. I only know this stuff because I'm the son of the owner of the Academy–" "Katerina McClure. Former Queen Angel. Happy. Lovable. And since anyone can easily provoke her because of her weak personality, Summer fought for the Queen Angel reign and pushed Katerina into insanity. The girl that once lead Dawn's Angels club with kindness and respect, is now in F.A.I.T.H., completely opposite to who she was. In other words, a b i t c h." He spelled out. "She likes to cook a lot and she especially make deserts. Daughter of the owner of more than eighty world wide shopping malls, and the main clothing and jewelry model for them. Her father has a share of the Ellis & Sons corporation too.

erik blackwood- future Tresais of Elleany, third in command of the entire country Kirk and Lilyana, were like parents in a way, Kirk was there when I shot my first gun at six. Lilyana showed me how to bake poison into food.

The Konkursi enter, Arrietty and a young man, and on either side of the Konkursi are them—the Amoris, four in total. The small group nearly closes that curve of the half-circle, leaving only a small gap in between. The Amoris are so close to Iris. My Mark isn't burning, but I don't know if hers is. Colton enters with one more of the Amoris, this one a man named Mor. Colton steps through the gap, Mor filling it in.

In order: Preeminence, Beta, Tresais, Delta, Epsilon, Digamma, Zeta, Eta, Theta, Iota, Undici, Douze

First, there are the twins, Brandon and Brady; both basketball players, both blonde haired, one with green eyes, one with blue. They're insanely funny, arguing day and night with each other, and are bigger drama queens than Luke. Next up is Janice; with curly brown hair, bold green eyes and her adorable little 5.1 frame, the girl is a sweetheart. She's also our schools' fearless debate team captain. Parker arrives shortly after with Luke in tow, wearing his school lettermen jacket, a smirk on his tan face. Parker is that golden boy that parents dream their daughters bring home, with perfect grades and a perfect attendance record... he's also one hundred percent attracted to guys. Luke is...I can't even begin to explain Luke as a person. With rich lawyer parents, you'd think he was some spoiled brat, when in reality, he's the exact opposite. And last but certainly not least are the stepbrothers, Quinton and Brett. While Q is a straight a student, Brett is a total slacker who hasn't touched a textbook since ninth grade. How he's made it this far, I'll never know.

Then of course, is Cameron. He isn't an official member of our little 'crew' mainly because he hangs with another group of friends. Cameron is kind of a drifter, he floats around to different groups of people- usually people that appear terrifying with their lip rings and tattoos- sometimes joining in with us.

"And what about the diplomatic treaties that were not encoded? The secret agreements with Muhammad Ali Pasha? Were they genuine?" "I see. Do we have an East-Indiaman scheduled to go to Egypt?" "How fortunate. Please send one of my agents on board and instruct him to courteously discourage his Highness the Khedive from any such further action. Tell him it would be unwise. He would not want to lose my good will, now, would he?"

Whoever is confused, there was a secret treaty between pasha n amby. The agreement paper were in that file, Dogleash knows about the treaty now so he’s trying to break it by manipulating or blackmailing pasha. I guess treaty must be related to suez canal.(I may be totally wrong, but that’s all I’ve understood till now)

Storm and Silence Saga 1 Storm and Silence 2 In the Eye of the Storm 3 Silence is Golden 4 Silence Breaking 5 Hunting for Silence 6 Storm of Bells

I had already started shovelling porridge into my mouth while my aunt was occupied, taking the opportunity to actually get some serious eating done before my lack of table manners was noticed. Beside me, Ella ate with considerably better manners but equal enjoyment. Gertrude, my eldest sister and the old maid in the family, didn't seem to mind the plain food either. The others, however, – Lisbeth and especially the twins, Anne and Maria – looked rather contemptuously at their plates and took a long time to start eating.

Hey there! Thank you so much for the follow!

Arven-duel Asher Vitis Spence-asks Rven about fight Darius-talk to Helena, sneaky, sound magic Felix- Swamplands, black market, blends in Peony- Bloodwing Redoubt Mike and Rudder-quite calm guys

Lily's watery silky hair, Eric's dark blue one, Gilbert's red one... William Aerielle's bright and clear teal eyes or Soleil's sunshine colored hair and pale yellow eyes.

"No. He lost his mother and sisters to Ristaze and his father beat his half brother to death after finding out the half brother was child of a female Ristaze spy. I think we even considered making another half brother that was a twin to the first one, and talked kind of loosely about Jacques' nanny having disappeared with the child. It wasn't Bertram though," she says with a dreamy nostalgic look before continuing. "We never really finished the idea though but considered putting it into a sequel. We thought it was kind of cool how Jacques and Lionel would have suffered almost the same fate and ended up fighting each other to the death. He wasn't evil or sadistic like Lionel though. Just kind of pitiful."

The king himself was Schwarthertz the Patient. A man blessed by faeries of darkness.

Ranks Duke / Duchess Marquess / Marchioness Earl / Countess Viscount / Viscountess Baron / Baroness (in Scotland, replaced by Lord / Lady of Parliament)