
Happy Pride Month yall ️‍


@ Nebula_Echo  noo the pride flag emoji doesn't show up :(


          I am done with my finals and can go back to writing, which I am excited for!
          I plan on continuing all my main stories and start to be more active in the summer.
          The old requested one-shots are going to be done soon as well, but it might take some time until I will take any more requests.
          Don't forget to drink some water! :)


Yay!  I hope you did good on your finals :)


this message may be offensive
Exams are killing me and my writing ability to write fucked up fiction is coming back.
          I'm cooking up some juicy content for you while I have the time and hope I will finish it in time.
          Stay hydrated everyone and study for those finals :')


@Nebula_Echo  Good luck with your exam grades!  I bet you’ll do awesome :)


@Nebula_Echo i pray for you grades anddd i’m a little scared about whats gonna happend next but yet excited!


          I have thought some time about stuff and all, and I decided to continue my books as they are. At the end of the day, the media from the dsmp and everything around belongs to the fandom for the major part of it (especially since it is a dying fandom kinda)
          And since my books really don't have much in common with any canon, it is easier for me to seperate characters from real people. 
          I do not support any problematic creators in any way, but I think we as a fandom can have the creative freedom to enjoy all of the fictional characters in our own way.
          I hope you will respect my decisions, but of course it is always up to the readers what they are comfortable with, so it is your choice whether you continue my stories :)
          Have a nice day!


@Nebula_Echo glad you made a choice bud! Can’t wait to see from you next! (I hate the creators too I hope they burn)


Hi hi
          I saw that many people liked the "Greatest Gift" one shot (yk the one with Sbi where the reader performs at Tommy's birthday?) Well I had a couple more ideas for this AU, so I thought about making a shorter seperate story as continueation. Would you guys like to read it?