this message may be offensive
In light of certain things that have been happening, both to myself and other people that I know, I thought I should say something.
It's okay to go at your own pace. Even if someone else is going faster it doesn't matter. That's *their* pace, not yours.
It's okay to have days where you can't do much. You have to listen to your body and do what's needed for you.
And if you aren't happy, then please trust me when I say that it will get better. It may take time, and there will be days when it hurts like a bitch, but it gets better.
All of you are doing great. No matter where you are right now, you are here, and that is fucking amazing.
I love each and every single one of you, and I hope to whatever diety or other power that's out there that you're happy, and that someone is watching over you.
I'll say it again, I'm fucking proud of you.