Hey all...... I thought i would give you an update and explain why I didn't get the halloween chapters out.... So the next day after i asked if you wanted a halloween chapter i recieved a call and got some bad news...... I was informed that my grandmother, who has Parkinsons, will most likey be having her last Christmas with us this year..... I am doing fine for now..... but my motivation for writing has taken a nose dive..... And the reason why it takes me so long to get a chapter out is because i do it all by hand first then I edit that then type it up and edit that as I am typing it out..... that is only for my main book (BDSM Rehabilitation) my other book i just write that on the fly when ever I feel like it or when i reach a road block on BDSM. I hope all of you had a great halloween . And remember read lots!!!!
@NeedAAName That's alright, take your time‼️ (PS: I hope you're okay and that your grandma can get better)