I can't believe I'm saying this, and I feel horrible about it, but I'm quitting on Empty Black Eyes. I just can't do it. I'm no good at writintg and I'm not good at getting to where I want. So, I'm not finishing it. Not like I had any fans anyway... I probably won't continue any of my other stories, but I suppose I'll leave them therein case anyone feels like reading them or something... I'd like to start another story, though. Like, a story that I'll actually ttry on. I give up so easily on the other ones, and I'm thinking that this one will be different. I'll write when I feel like writing, and I wont push myself to write. This way,, I wont get bored of the stories and i might actually complete it. I've already got an idea for the story... It will be about teeen love, of course. :P I just wanted to let you guys know of this, and I hope my few fans can forgive me. :)