
Like a leaf on a tree blowing in the wind thinking itself to be individual but in reality apart and connected to everything.


hi there, i just saw your homophobic comment on a book and saw that in your bio you have written you hate gays? please don't spread hate. can you give a reason for being homophobic?


@-Divya- Hey! I'm not homophobic any more. I was once that person but not anymore. Reason being I had very less exposure to homosexuals back then and didn't have enough awareness. But I have grown and matured much now to accept homos, heteros, bis, and all other kinds of people. I have left the bio unchanged so I can look back and see how far I have come in learning new things and unlearning some old things ^_^


After much thought and many other ways of venting out my thoughts, I have turned to posting what ever random thoughts that go around in my head, here on Wattpad. It's not like there are many people who visit my profile. But any random person who would like to contribute their own thoughts to what I write is most welcome. I am not starting a book with all my thoughts recorded in it. That would be ridiculous . I am just doing something new n let's see how it goes.
          PS: To anyone who read the whole thing, just let me know u have done so...


@CupidsManager Hey! Long time no see! How u been doing?! Am I glad to see u


Happy Independence Day!! =-O :-) :-) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥◾◾▪◾⚫⚫


@CupidsManager  Thanks yeah!  M great and you?? Yuppp really!! :-D :-D ;-) ;-) :-)


@CupidsManager Yo girl! Thank u n wish u the same... How u been?? Long time no see...
            PS- Proud to be an Indian ♥