
hey y'all. 
          	not dead. just hibernating.
          	all love as always x


@NeeraHale hey , one of your admirers here ... haven't seen you active , i love your work , hope you are okay , see you soon :) 


I don’t know if you still have Wattpad, wether you have notifications on or if you even remember this exists. But if by some chance you see this, I beg of you to rerelease the whole of marvel. It is the best thing I have ever read. I have been searching for it for so long and have just found it again. Please, I need this fic in my life again.


Chapter Twenty-Two is up! Took me a great long while, but it also at a 10K word count— hope this helps. I'm going to return to the rock I just crawled out from under, to bang my head against a keyboard and present y'all with the new chapter.
          Hope it is at least semi-enjoyable. 
          Cheers, y'all x


Dearest beautiful, precious, amazing Transgender friends, followers, and readers:
          The world is better because you are in it. I love you always, especially today. You matter to me, you matter to this world, your existence brings me joy and I am so grateful to have you in my life. This world is better for having you in it, I promise you.
          To my friends who are more like my family; thank you for educating me so much about the Transgender community, thank you for your kindness, thank you for your patience, thank you for your acceptance, and thank you for your existence. I am still learning, and unlearning every single day.
          Happy #TransDayOfVisibility folks. And remember; Trans Rights Are Human Rights. Always and Forever.
          With all the support, the gratitude, the privilege, the strength, and the love I have in my body and soul,
          Neera <3


So on this day, I want you guys to just know that I am really, really, really super bisexual, and I am so not sorry for it. I will take up space, and I will be loud and proud. I am who I am and no one will ever take that away from me. Love Wins; it always has, and it always will. And there is absolutely ZERO SPACE for hate on my profile, in my works, in my life. 
          Thank you for paying attention, and have a great day!
          All love as always,
          Nee x


Never stop waving your flag , my queer friends!! ️‍


@slytherin_4evr thank you so much ❤


@NeeraHale Keep on shining you beautiful author! Much love to you!


Hey, guys! How is everyone doing? Hope you're all well, and happy, and are staying safe, and are socially distancing from others (please, I'm tired of this pandemic).
          I'm actively trying to get Chapter Eighteen up for you guys, but Wattpad is facing some technical issues, and won't let me post, and the pages won't load either.
          Please bear with me, I'll have it up no later than tomorrow.
          All the love as always,
          Neera. x.


Hey I read Marvel ages ago & wanted to re read it. Just curious what happened to the rest of the book? :)


@noturhuney hi! I unpublished the book a while back, because I wanted to edit it and also because of a few new readers who weren't being kind. 
            however, I am currently (gradually) reuploading the refurbished version. 
            it is still there in case you want to check out the new version :)


Even though I positively recoil at the idea of being associated with R*wling, or even consuming anything that has anything to do with her, I still unashamedly  took the new Pottermore/WizardingWorld sorting quiz, and I am very happy and proud to announce that even now, I am still a Slytherin. Hiss hiss.


@hk1215030 I mean yes, obviously, slurs are supposed to be censored. there's kids out here, we don't want them associating with the evils of this world, ma'am.


@NeeraHale the fact that you censored her name


Here's some thoughts I had about that explosive Chilling Adventures of Sabrina finale (spoilers ahead);
          I have just been over here, thinking about how Nicholas Scratch and Sabrina Spellman had a love that was stronger than anything, that defied everything, including Lucifer, and including death itself. They were endgame all along, they were each other's true love. They were always meant to be. I was rooting for them since the start... and this is not how I expected their story to end. But it's as Nick said, "At least this way, we'll be together forever and ever." Now nobody will ever be able to come between them, and nothing will ever break them apart.
          I will never get over these two , and I will never forgive Netfl*x for cancelling CAOS. It was one of their best original shows, and they're going to realize this mistake sooner rather than later. Cancelling it was the worst thing they did to this show, and I'm saying this while considering how they pushed the C*lbrina angle, ew. Anyway...
          Here's to Nick and Brina, to their eternal and immortal love. To the ups and downs they had, and to their true love prevailing, the universe be damned. To Nicholas Scratch and Sabrina Spellman, you had me at hello, you wrecked me at goodbye, and I will love you forever, and I will miss you for always.
          Here's to the rest of the characters from Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina who grew with each episode and helped me gain perspective of so many things, to the writers who wrote one of the finest plots I've ever seen played, and to the cast and crew who created magic on our screens since day one.
          Here's to Netfl*x, for cancelling yet another amazing show. Honestly, f*ck you.
          And finally, here's to the fans, who are dedicated as ever, and have not lost hope for a knight in shining armour to come save this brilliant show. Nothing will ever break our spirits.
          Coven Forever!
          (p.s. suck it, C*lbrina and H*rbrina stans. WE WON, NABRINA ARE ENDGAME. lol.)


I keep writing backstories for all my original characters, and I think this is what I, as an author, was supposed to do all along. Where JKR failed at representation and validation, I promise you, I will not. I'm stepping in and giving everyone the love, attention and representation that they deserve. 
          Substantial plotline for your favorite minor characters? You got it! 
          A person of color who is also a part of the LGBTQ+ community and isn't used for comic relief? Hell to the yes! 
          A Muslim character who wears a Hijab, and doesn't take it off for the first white man she sees? You better believe she's there!
          A character who represents a minority showing up throughout the book, instead of disappearing after the usual one paragraph? That's what I'm here for!
          I am doing this because I am so sick and tired of the lack of representation in these books. This is not for the sake of filling some insane "diversity quota". This is because everyone deserves to see a version of themselves in the media they consume.
          I am going to make JKR wish she was a little bit educated about these things.
          All the love as always,
          Neera. x.
          (p.s. new chapter coming soon, and I mean really soon)