
Omg I'm obsessed with vampires too! Gosh who wants to be a boring human? Do you watch the tv series of vampire diaries? I read the books too but in the tv series I like Stefan better but in terms of humor Damon wins! I liked him better without Elena though :/


Omg I'm obsessed with vampires too! Gosh who wants to be a boring human? Do you watch the tv series of vampire diaries? I read the books too but in the tv series I like Stefan better but in terms of humor Damon wins! I liked him better without Elena though :/


@SugarBlade hi its neferet500. this is my new account. I forgot my password to the the other one. yes I watch vampire diaries and I love it so much. Damon always makes me laugh too aha ! it would be so cool to be an vampire. i recommend the house of night series by PC and Kristen cast they are amazing