Omg I'm obsessed with vampires too! Gosh who wants to be a boring human? Do you watch the tv series of vampire diaries? I read the books too but in the tv series I like Stefan better but in terms of humor Damon wins! I liked him better without Elena though :/
Omg I'm obsessed with vampires too! Gosh who wants to be a boring human? Do you watch the tv series of vampire diaries? I read the books too but in the tv series I like Stefan better but in terms of humor Damon wins! I liked him better without Elena though :/
@SugarBlade hi its neferet500. this is my new account. I forgot my password to the the other one. yes I watch vampire diaries and I love it so much. Damon always makes me laugh too aha ! it would be so cool to be an vampire. i recommend the house of night series by PC and Kristen cast they are amazing
Hey Neferet, thanks for following me! If you don't want to go into the water you don't have to.I wouldn't even recommended it, what with the sharks and the weird acidy water. What normal person would want to swim there?