
@SanayaKant No problem! I love your stories and how you wrote them.


Hello @Neiiko ! Thank you for reading and voting for The Lost Valor of Love. It's nice to meet you :) ps. I like your profile photo, what a sweet little cat ❤️


Oh my goodness, thank you so much for your lovely thoughts. I'm so very happy you are enjoying my stories! ❤️


I’m so honored to be noticed . I would vote multiple times on your works if I could, they’re too amazing . It’s really well written, and with the descriptions I can imagine the scenes almost perfectly (my image creating is bad). I love how the storyline is so rich and creative. Do keep up the awesome work and I can’t wait for your future works! :)


hi there, thank you so much for taking the time to read and vote for One Night Or Forever. I really hope you'll continue to enjoy it :)


@Neiiko me too, thanks again :)


@ElleMThomas So far so good! I'm glad to stumble upon this book :)


Hi! Thanks so much for voting for Persuasion In the Pantry and adding it  to your reading list. i  hope you will continue to read and enjoy it. :)


No problem! I love the way you portray the people and places. But I fear the story isn't my type due to the all-too-fast romance and multiple love stories in one book. But nevertheless, I do hope you keep up the good work! :)


Hey there!
          First of all, I sincerely apologize if this message causes any inconvenience or spams up your message board. I'm currently working on a book titled "The Ivory Knight", and I was hoping you had a wee bit of time to take a peek. The book is set in medieval times, and has plenty of twisted romance and adventure. However, it's still in the works, and I would absolutely LOVE to hear what you think of it! 
          Here's the link, if you're interested:

          If you do decide to check it out, I'd like to hear what feedback or criticism you have in the comments, and I wouldn't say no to a vote either ;)
          I honestly appreciate your time and effort more than you could ever know.
          Thank you so much!


@chenganyi Your summary got me! I'll try your book and comment on what I think about it