
قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
Ignoren esto, es un vent/desahogo.
          	Corte vínculo con un ex-amigo por ciertas actitudes que noté y trate de comprender, pero me di cuenta que las cosas qué estan mal no se justifican. 
          	Está persona fue demasiado rápido en poco tiempo, muy poco tiempo.
          	They're always charismatic
          	And they'll turn up the charm
          	Their words do something magic
          	Saying no is really hard
          	They're over-generous
          	You'll never pay the bills
          	They'll fall in love in seconds
          	Die for you or probably kill
          	and after six months you'll feel really stupid
          	(Ooh) I promise that it's not your fault you fell for it
          	'Cause one little fight breaks into war
          	Feels like you're dying on a bathroom floor
          	You'll make an excuse, they'll say that it's you
          	And the mirror's telling you it's true
          	Won't leave, can't stay, how much are you gonna take?
          	'Cause you'll always get the blame
          	It feels like shit, but that's just how it is
          	When you love a narcissist
          	So if you're feeling crazy, I wouldn't be surprised
          	The only thing they're good at's knowing how to gaslight
          	Then make you feel like you're the most beautiful in the world
          	While they're sleeping with another girl
          	and after six months you'll feel really stupid
          	(Ooh) I promise that it's not your fault you fell for it
          	'Cause one little fight breaks into war
          	Feels like you're dying on a bathroom floor
          	You'll make an excuse, they'll say that it's you
          	And the mirror's telling you it's true
          	Won't leave, can't stay, how much are you gonna take?
          	'Cause you'll always get the blame
          	It feels like shit, but that's just how it is (ooh)
          	'Cause I felt like shit, so I know how it is
          	When you love a narcissist


قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
Ignoren esto, es un vent/desahogo.
          Corte vínculo con un ex-amigo por ciertas actitudes que noté y trate de comprender, pero me di cuenta que las cosas qué estan mal no se justifican. 
          Está persona fue demasiado rápido en poco tiempo, muy poco tiempo.
          They're always charismatic
          And they'll turn up the charm
          Their words do something magic
          Saying no is really hard
          They're over-generous
          You'll never pay the bills
          They'll fall in love in seconds
          Die for you or probably kill
          and after six months you'll feel really stupid
          (Ooh) I promise that it's not your fault you fell for it
          'Cause one little fight breaks into war
          Feels like you're dying on a bathroom floor
          You'll make an excuse, they'll say that it's you
          And the mirror's telling you it's true
          Won't leave, can't stay, how much are you gonna take?
          'Cause you'll always get the blame
          It feels like shit, but that's just how it is
          When you love a narcissist
          So if you're feeling crazy, I wouldn't be surprised
          The only thing they're good at's knowing how to gaslight
          Then make you feel like you're the most beautiful in the world
          While they're sleeping with another girl
          and after six months you'll feel really stupid
          (Ooh) I promise that it's not your fault you fell for it
          'Cause one little fight breaks into war
          Feels like you're dying on a bathroom floor
          You'll make an excuse, they'll say that it's you
          And the mirror's telling you it's true
          Won't leave, can't stay, how much are you gonna take?
          'Cause you'll always get the blame
          It feels like shit, but that's just how it is (ooh)
          'Cause I felt like shit, so I know how it is
          When you love a narcissist


Pana, para cuándo un Tordtom?  Jajajaja 


@ cualquierpersona294  Estoy pensando en uno, amiguis xd.. Ando con algunas ideas en mente


De qué ship de Eddsworld les gustaría que saque otro libro? 


@ 7153zCastielz6185  Bueno, bueno 


@ Neki_Argie  MattEdd ️️️


T mereces mi follow ☃︎


@ KarimMorningstar  Te intento escribir y no me deja xd--- me podrías escribir tú? Ya te seguí 