school sucks!
okay, it's not that bad. But it doesn't give me a lot of time for bnha! And that's what really matters.
So I've decided (Stay with me, this is a good thing) that I'm going to devote a lot of time on Tuesdays and Thursday's for writing my stories!
For me, Tuesday's and Thursday's are less busy and I have more free time.
I have a quiz tomorrow and I reaaaaally want to write instead of studying but I kind of have to do well in school.
I'm basically writing this is share my pain with anyone who reads this! I would rather be writing than studying. That should be a slogan "I would rather be writing"
I like that.
Anyways this post thing is getting really long and I just want to say that
I love you all and you are all amazing people and I'm devoting at least 3 and a half hours for writing tomorow!
I like writing and It's gonna be cool! I'm going to stick to this schedule and it's gonna be cool for everyone involved!
Okay this is getting really long. I love you all and peace out my home dogs