
Ay if you're waiting on a few more Ordinary chapters, come get 'em


Hey will you ever be continuing with Ordinary?Since there arent many chapters left before the finale I was just wondering.


@Zymarik I would like to at some point! The whole problem for me is that its a very old story and I have other things I'm writing and I just plum forget what the plot is every time I think about finishing it. And then it's like a few hours of going back and re-reading it so I can try to remember what my plan was lol... So I do want to have it finished, but I can't say it'll be anytime soon because it takes a lot of energy and I don't have as much these days as I did when I was fifteen. I know people really like that one, so I'm sorry I don't have better news! All I can really say for now is: someday!


Apparently someone commented on my story a week or so back? I just found out about it because I didn't get any notifications?? Anyways, so sorry about that. I uploaded a chapter now and just to make it up to you guys, I'm gonna write another chapter tonight. Two for the price of one. In the future, if I don't upload within two days, feel free to message me about it. I really want to keep good on this promise and if I don't upload, its probably because I didn't get a notification that I got a comment! So, lastly, happy reading. We're almost at the end!