
Oh gosh, guys. I'm so sorry for not updating... I just haven't had the inspiration for a while, but hopefully I'll get it back soon. Don't worry, I promise not to leave you guys hanging. I just don't know when I'll be able to update! Does anyone have some to give me inspiration? I usually use videos, songs, short excerpts, and something along those lines :) Well, happy reading!


Oh gosh, guys. I'm so sorry for not updating... I just haven't had the inspiration for a while, but hopefully I'll get it back soon. Don't worry, I promise not to leave you guys hanging. I just don't know when I'll be able to update! Does anyone have some to give me inspiration? I usually use videos, songs, short excerpts, and something along those lines :) Well, happy reading!


Hello lovelies! It's been a long time since I've been on and wow! I've gained some popularity! lol sort of... But sorry for the long hiatus! I gave up Wattpad for lent and it was torture, but it was worth it. I was able to see that people are still reading my stories. Since it's my senior year and there's a ton of AP tests coming up, I don't know when I'll update especially since I have so many study sessions even on the weekends. But I promise to update when I can!


@xXNekoniXx Thank you! :) I promise to update when I can!


@JBKantt Hey! And yeah, I gave watt pad up for lent, so that's why I've been gone for so long! :)


@NelleArrangement Haha wow, I'd never thing to give up wattpad for lent!
            BTW this is JAYA1014 ... I changed my username XD
            Good luck with your AP tests!


Hello there i was reading one of your books and i thought the edit for the book cover looked very nice i myself have been hooked to editing photos I have seen your cover for "Teach Me How To Swim!" And i have seen many photos around the internet and I have seen shadows with color or just black shadows on characters I see that your cover has it too I really want to know how to do that and which app you used or if you used a app at all please tell me


Thank you soooo much that really helped! :)


@henci4nimeluv Since I don't have Photoshop, I just go to pixlr and edit there. First, you need to make a copy of the PNG file and then select saturation and bring it to the lowest. Then you choose gradient I believe and choose your pattern :) then you click and drag along the photo.


Writer's block sucks. I haven't been writing for so long and I miss it. The only problem is, I don't know what to write! Everything is blank right now! I know the scenes I need to write, but the words just won't come to me. Hopefully this doesn't last to long. I miss writing already!