Just wanted to let you know that I'm changing accounts! This one will become inactive and you can find in @mingvi account where I will be posting my stories. Hope to see you there!
Just wanted to let you know that I'm changing accounts! This one will become inactive and you can find in @mingvi account where I will be posting my stories. Hope to see you there!
@Nemsaa wow thats disgusting behavior, Idol or not like shit. Especially with the amount of pressure idols already have to look perfect who would even do that smdh
@-taerose idk mate. Some stans (mostly gg stans as I saw) have been fatshaming Yoongi for having chubby cheeks after the lotte concert and also at the same time fat shaming one member from suju (srr i dont remember the name). This whole situation is just freaking stupid and shows desperataion for attention. But it's so ugly to fat shame people and I just can't stand people like that