
I'm sorry its been awhile. I forgot my email and username for this account for awhile there and finally found something that I had written everything down on as I was packing to move. I am still going to be updating Bad Little Boys but I am going to be posting over on my AO3 account. It has the same title and is under the name RhyTobi. If you would all like to read the updated version please go there and check it out. Thank you all the support and love of this story. I hope you continue to feel the same over on AO3. Love you all.


Once I'm done writing and typing up all the parts I have so far I will most likely be posting them on here as well, but please be patient.


I'm sorry its been awhile. I forgot my email and username for this account for awhile there and finally found something that I had written everything down on as I was packing to move. I am still going to be updating Bad Little Boys but I am going to be posting over on my AO3 account. It has the same title and is under the name RhyTobi. If you would all like to read the updated version please go there and check it out. Thank you all the support and love of this story. I hope you continue to feel the same over on AO3. Love you all.


Once I'm done writing and typing up all the parts I have so far I will most likely be posting them on here as well, but please be patient.


So to anyone still wondering about my story Bad Little Boys I would like to inform you that I will be updating it in a few weeks time. But as it has been years since I started writing it I've realized that the story is told slightly wonky and so I'm going to update every chapter that is already posted first. I've already started working on it so it shouldn't be to long. Hope you all love how it turns out. Thank you for all the continues support for the story.


@NeoBlade666 thank you so much! It's a wonderful story! Don't overwork yourself though! Do what makes you happy! And god will this look crazy with all of the exclamation points!


Don’t make me cry ._.


@NeoBlade666  thank you, omg i just finished it and I need the ending


          Last year I was in one of the stalls in the school bathroom and happened to see a quote written on the wall. I don't know who wrote it, or who said it, but I found it funny. It wasn't a joke that was written. No. It wasn't funny because it was a joke, it was funny because it was the truth. Something that many people don't like to face today. This is what it said "We are just suicidal kids, telling other suicidal kids, that suicide isn't the answer."
          I hate how true this is. Because if you haven't had any type of suicidal thought before then why do you have the nerve to tell kids who have had those thoughts that they shouldn't be thinking that. NO! It isn't those kids who tell us suicide isn't the answer. IT'S THE ONES WHO'VE BEEN THROUGH IT THAT TELLS US!
          They tells us they know what it's like and that things get better. But after how long. No one knows, but once it does get better we end up telling the same thing to other kids. This cycle doesn't end. It never will. Because we will always have haters, and close-minded people out there that will hurt us and put us down.
          We can fight against it all we want, but at some point one of us will fall. Because the ways of society get stronger as we do. It always seems as though they are one step ahead of us. But for how long. HOW LONG WILL WE LET THEM TEAR US DOWN? How long until we are nothing, but dust to them. Something they can get rid of easily.
          So tell me. Are we just gonna stand by as a could-be-friend gets kicked around, stomped on, shot down? Or are we gonna be there for them? Trying to stop it with everything we have. How many people do we have to lose before we see that we are the only ones who can fix it? 
          Yes, it might be unethical for someone who has tried committing suicide to stop someone else, but if we don't who will?
          So stand up for them, just once. Let them know that there are people who care. Because I don't want to see anymore deaths come from something like this. And I'm sure noone else does.


I genuinly hope that things have gotten better for you guys, even if just a little bit.


@NeoBlade666 I relate to this so much. 


I love that quote. I love how everyone, at some point, went through the same thing we did. Its sad but its reality.