
Can people recommend me stories please, I can’t find anything that peaks my interest 


I adored your story “Home” do you think you can write more Straykids inspired ones like that? I totally understand if you don’t want to but that’s the only story I’ve found with that specific concept and It’s one of the best stories I’ve ever read on Wattpad.


I realise my reply is like 2 years late, but I do have similar stuff in the pipelines if you see this and are interested 


Thank you so much for following me , I'll work hard and will give my best !! Yesterday I posted my first ffs , pls give it a try  and an hour AGO I posted it's 2nd part ! 
          You can freely suggest ideas and even can tell my mistakes so that I could know how to improve and from when to start improving!


I’m thinking of rewriting my story Home. I will of course leave the original up but I figured now that I’m a more experienced writer it would be nice to see how much my writing style has changed. 
          Would anyone be interested in reading it? 


@NeoCityTrAsH thanks have a great day/night❤️


@AuSsIe_YeEt if I do I’ll be sure to not dramatically change it 